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OGP Local

Discover the successes, challenges, and solutions that have opened up government at the local level.


Image for Austin
Image for Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Image for Kaduna



South Africa 1 – Credit – Vulekamali

Open Money, Open Government

Through the Treasury, the South African government has invested in opening up budget information at the national and provincial levels. This has seen South Africa becoming a global leader in the Open Budget Survey.

Jus Lab Meeting

Hacking Judicial Language for Open Justice

In Argentina, like elsewhere in the world, accessing justice and understanding the judicial language is highly complex, so many people cannot comprehend the judicial processes that affect them or their rights...

OGP Local IRM Blog – Unsplash

Closer to the People: OGP Local Results

See the progress OGP Local members have made over the years and explore lessons learned as we head into a new season of co-creation.

Hospital data Buenos Aires

Tackling COVID-19 through Open Government in the City of Buenos Aires

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged every government’s health systems and management capacity. Learn about the Government of Buenos Aires' efforts to flatten the curve, care for citizens and strengthen the health system.

Oficina cocriaçao

Strengthening Citizen Engagement During a Pandemic: A Look at São Paulo, Brazil

Leia em portugues aqui. The greatest lesson that São Paulo will carry from its second open government action plan is that collaboration matters and is an essential tool for effective answers to public challenges. In 2020, social participation during the…

Open Government Partnership