OGP Local Circle on Climate Action Meeting
Join OGP, the Scottish Government and the city of Buenos Aires on the first meeting of the OGP Local Circle on climate action on April 13.
Discover the successes, challenges, and solutions that have opened up government at the local level.
Austin |
Buenos Aires |
Kaduna |
Join OGP, the Scottish Government and the city of Buenos Aires on the first meeting of the OGP Local Circle on climate action on April 13.
Having served as a national researcher for Georgia from 2013 to 2019 for OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism, I have developed a particular interest in implementing the values of openness and accountability in local governments. From 2014-2015, Georgia implemented a series…
Entre el 2013 y el 2019 me desempeñé como investigador nacional para el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente en Georgia. Desde entonces, he tenido especial interés en implementar el valor de la apertura y la rendición de cuentas en los gobiernos…
In this Voices of Open Government episode, Patrick Harvie, member of the Scottish Parliament, explains how open, participative, and deliberative approaches to decision-making helps turn voices of citizens into concrete actions.
In this episode, learn how Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya applied open government principles to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of recognizing the people behind the reforms in government and civil society.
At the 7th Global OGP Summit in December 2021, OGP Local shared exciting news for 2022 and hosted three main sessions alongside members and partners. Here are a few things you may have missed. 1. We formalized a new partnership…
How are local leaders responding to the pandemic through #OpenGov principles? Learn South Cotabato responding to the COVID-19 pandemic through open gov principles while placing citizens at the heart of policy-making to rebuild trust in government.
Last month, the Republic of Korea hosted the 7th Open Government Partnership Global Summit around the themes of civic space, anti-corruption, and inclusive digital innovation. The Summit was an opportunity to reflect on the progress of OGP in its first…
El mes pasado, la República de Corea fue la sede de la séptima cumbre global de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto, enfocándose en el espacio cívico, la anticorrupción y la innovación digital incluyente. La cumbre fue una oportunidad para…
Learn how a concerned mother in Kaduna, Nigeria used a citizen feedback app to notify government leaders about poor conditions in a healthcare clinic and improve access to health services in her community.
Through the “Territories of Innovation and Participation in Health – TIPS” program, we will broaden the spectrum of social participation in health in Bogota from the current minimal levels of information and consultation in the management of health issues to…
We will implement the Yasinan Forum, an equitable, inclusive, dependable government platform that enables citizens to convey their aspirations and problems directly to the government at the sub-district and village level. Bringing the complainant service closer to citizens and making…
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