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OGP Strategy 2023-2028


Canada’s Open Government Strategy

Canada is currently drafting our first, whole-of-government Open Government Strategy. This follows the launch of the new global Open Government Partnership Strategy, which Canada helped develop as a Steering Committee member.

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Why Civic Space is A Priority for OGP

The new OGP Strategy 2023-2028 has highlighted that there can be no open government without free civil society and that  OGP is an “equal partnership between government and civil society”. To strengthen this...

Strategy Phase 3 Report Hero Image

Creating OGP’s Future Together: Phase 3 Report

Check out the full Phase 2 Report here or in Google Docs here. OGP announced the process to co-create a new strategy for the Partnership for the period of 2023-2028 in May 2022. Following a year of consultations, a draft…


OGP Strategy

Explore OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy, how it was developed and how the open government community can help implement it.

OGP Strategy – Events

Strategy Consultation Office Hours

Join us for consultation office hours on OGP’s draft strategy to exchange questions and gain insight on key goals and shifts. No prior registration is required. Click the link during your preferred time frame to join the call. Thursday, February…

Open Government Partnership