Jimmy’s Campaign to Help COVID-19 Response
When his community was hit by COVID-19, Jimmy used a citizen audit tool to investigate how the government was spending response and recovery resources.
When his community was hit by COVID-19, Jimmy used a citizen audit tool to investigate how the government was spending response and recovery resources.
Learn about civil society engagement and open government innovation projects in Eastern Partnership countries.
Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine - joined OGP in 2011. Though different in many ways, these countries shared a strong incentive to use their participation in OGP to address Soviet legacies of opaque and highly centralized governance.
Armenia, Georgia, Moldavia y Ucrania, se incorporaron a OGP en 2011. Aunque son diferentes en muchos sentidos, estos países comparten el incentivo de utilizar su participación en OGP para atender la herencia soviética de la gobernanza opaca y altamente centralizada.
Join us Thursday, May 20 from 16:00 - 17:30 CEST for the High-Level Launch of the EU for Integrity Programme for the Eastern Partnership jointly implemented by OECD ACN and OGP.
Join us for the opening plenary of Open Gov Week 2021!
COVID-19 vaccines are indispensable in the race to save lives and livelihoods during the pandemic. However, the unprecedented global need for vaccines presents a series of challenges, including corruption, inefficiency, and inequity...
Join us Tuesday, April 27 for a discussion on how an open government approach to vaccines can help governments to deliver vaccines effectively, efficiently, and equitably.
2021 presents a vital opportunity for North Macedonia. Watch the prime minister and OGP's CEO's remarks.
OGP turns ten in 2021. With more than 4,500 commitments made to date, we have much to celebrate. We are launching Open Renewal in our anniversary year in order to look forward and build on the lessons and accomplishments of the past.
Sanjay Pradhan es director ejecutivo de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés). María Barón es la directora ejecutiva de Directorio Legislativo y copresidenta del Comité Directivo de la sociedad civil de OGP, junto con…
In support of Open Renewal, the Co-Chairs of OGP, the Republic of Korea and Maria Baron of Directorio Legislativo, have launched a global call-to-action for all OGP members in 2021 to use their new and existing action plans to make ambitious commitments that address core challenges.
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