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Open Response + Recovery + Renewal

Open Response + Open Recovery Photos

Can the COVID-19 Pandemic be a Turning Point for Democracy and Open Government?

Those of us who believe in open, inclusive and liberal democracy were already on the backfoot after years of rising authoritarianism, declining civic space and attacks on democratic norms even in countries that have been traditional champions of our values. The question now is, can the pandemic be a turning point?


Fiscal Data for Emergency Response: Guide for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many governments to launch emergency spending and tax policy measures to mitigate the impact on the health of their people and economies. GIFT's practical guide helps practitioners identify the datasets and data fields that are required for informed internal decision-making and transparent disclosure of information related to emergency responses.

A group of people wearing masks and discussing

Don’t Let Cash Slip Away: Strengthening Government Oversight of Stimulus Spending Through Disclosure and Public Participation

Explore why public participation and disclosure are crucial elements for a robust government oversight mechanism. This is the third blog in a limited series on strengthening government oversight of stimulus spending.

open sign – photo credit – artem beliaikin via pexels

Government Accountability and Responsiveness During COVID-19

Learn about ADB and OGP's innovation challenge that explored how digital technology can be leveraged to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19 related spending and improve feedback and grievance redressal mechanisms. The challenge is now closed.

Open Government Partnership