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An exit that clashes with Tanzanians’ aspirations

This article originally appeared in The Citizen. The government of Tanzania’s recently announced, unilateral decision to withdraw from the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is disappointing, but not surprising. The recent evolution in the domestic political climate meant that it had…

Tanzania Withdraws from the OGP

In a letter dated June 29, 2017 (received in mid-August 2017) and discussed at the OGP Steering Committee meeting on September 20, 2017, the Government of Tanzania indicated their intention to withdraw from OGP, effective immediately. In response, the OGP…

Tanzania End of Term Report 2014-2016

In late 2016, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for Tanzania’s second action plan. The report covers the full action plan implementation period of 1 July 2014 through 30 June 2016. In Tanzania, Ngunga Greyson…

Open Government Partnership