Challenge Areas & Commitments
Discover initiatives submitted to the Open Gov Challenge by OGP members and beyond, through OGP action plans or as standalone commitments. The Challenge encourages members to submit ambitious actions in 10 policy areas integral to advancing open government. Learn more about commitment eligibility here.
Participating Countries
Participating Localities
Open Gov Challenge Commitments
Through OGP’s 2023-2028 strategy, the open government community identified open government areas that can strengthen our democracies and improve our communities.
OGP is now encouraging members to create ambitious commitments in ten priority policy areas. Explore all of the policy areas here.
Each commitment’s Challenge area was determined by the OGP Support Unit based on how commitment activities align with the topics outlined in the Challenge. These areas do not necessarily reflect, nor are they intended to reflect, the jurisdiction of the submitting entity.
- Deselect
- Armenia
- Baguio, Philippines
- Bogotá, Colombia
- Brazil
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Finland
- Ghana
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Italy
- Kamianets Podilskiy, Ukraine
- Larena, Philippines
- Malawi
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- México
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- North Santander, Colombia
- Philippines
- Quezon City, Philippines
- Quintana Roo, México
- Republic of Korea
- Santiago de Cali, Colombia
- Senegal
- Ukraine
- United States of America
- Valle del Cauca, Colombia
- Yerba Buena, Argentina
- Deselect
- Africa and the Middle East
- Americas
- Asia and the Pacific
- Europe
Each commitment’s Challenge area was determined by the OGP Support Unit based on how commitment activities align with the topics outlined in the Challenge. These areas do not necessarily reflect, nor are they intended to reflect, the jurisdiction of the submitting entity.
Commitment | Level of Government |
Lead Institution | Primary Challenge Area |
Branch of Government | Region |
Summary: Communities in North Santander (Colombia) do not have access to information on climate and environment strategies that could help improve their quality of life. This commitment would help fill this gap by training young leaders to promote sustainable development in the department.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Gender and Inclusion
Level of Government
Local (non-member)
Lead Institution
Gobernación de Norte de Santander
Local (non-member)
Gobernación de Norte de Santander
Gender and Inclusion
Executive | Americas |
Summary: There are delays in judicial processes in Costa Rica, which has led to a backlog of court cases. To address this, the Judiciary committed to reducing the backlog by publishing all court case data on a centralized platform. This will allow the public to monitor progress.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Poder Judicial de Costa Rica
Poder Judicial de Costa Rica
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: Ukraine passed a new lobbying law that aligns with the European Code of Conduct on Good Lobbying. To implement the law, the government will create new lobbying regulations and launch a publicly accessible Transparency Register.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Independent | Europe |
Summary: In Finland, more work is needed to increase trust through expanding the number of participants in national policy-making discussions. Under this commitment, government and civil society will collaborate to increase participation in national dialogues and make it easier to shape policies based on public input.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance
Public Participation
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Ukraine's 2021-2025 Anti-Corruption Strategy identifies 15 priority areas with a high risk of corruption. This commitment will tackle 73 identified problems across the priority areas. A crucial tool for success is a new monitoring platform.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Executive | Europe |
Summary: To scale up programs that increase access to justice, Costa Rica ran a pilot program to implement open justice activities in four courts, such as public dialogues and open data initiatives.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Poder Judicial de Costa Rica
Poder Judicial de Costa Rica
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: To date, there has not been a national-level strategy to protect and expand civic space. To fill this gap, the government will create a national strategy for civic space to guarantee the rights to assembly, association, and expression.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Civic Space
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Dirección General de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental
Dirección General de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental
Civic Space
Executive | Americas |
Summary: This commitment will address the lack of transparency and enhance CSO collaboration in the public procurement of federal infrastructure projects in Brazil. The government will apply open contracting principles to federal infrastructure projects by improving the public procurement portal and disclosing information for all projects.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Controladoria-Geral da União
Controladoria-Geral da União
Independent | Americas |
Summary: The residents of Kamianets Podilskiy do not currently have a simple way to submit information requests to the City Council. This commitment would fill this gap by gathering public input on a centralized website for information requests and building the new site.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Access to Information
Level of Government
Local (non-member)
Lead Institution
Kamianets Podilskiy city council
Local (non-member)
Kamianets Podilskiy city council
Access to Information
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Santiago de Cali (Colombia) does not have enough competition in its public procurement process. The government will build a tool to centralize and publish contracting data and increase outreach to new bidders in the community.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Local (non-member)
Lead Institution
Secretaría de Infraestructura de la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali
Local (non-member)
Secretaría de Infraestructura de la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali
Executive | Americas |
Summary: The government aims to increase effective public participation in decision-making by creating an updated knowledge agenda through its Knowledge Hub for Participation.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW)
Public Participation
Executive | Europe |
Summary: The Council of State is the highest court for administrative issues. To become more transparent and accountable, the Judiciary will use plain language in judicial decisions for key topics and consult with the public on priority information to release, among other activities.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Comisión de Ética, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas del Consejo de Estado
Comisión de Ética, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas del Consejo de Estado
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: This commitment aims to ensure the public can understand what the Constitutional Court does and how its rulings can help protect their rights. Thus, the Judiciary aims to increase the public’s understanding of the court’s work, especially for youth and Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Corte Constitucional de Colombia
Corte Constitucional de Colombia
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: The government wants to strengthen the connection between the public sector and citizens to encourage innovation across the territories in Colombia. The commitment will co-create a strategy that will help establish a National Network for Public Innovation and Knowledge Management.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública, Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública, Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: The government of Valle de Cauca (Colombia) wants to build trust by making it easier for members of the public to participate in its decision-making process and to monitor policy implementation. The government will co-create a new public policy by hosting workshops with the public.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Local (non-member)
Lead Institution
Gobernación del Valle del Cauca
Local (non-member)
Gobernación del Valle del Cauca
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: The government wants to expand the scope of the data published on its current public procurement platform to fully implement a new contracting law. The government will simplify the format of how data is published on the site to ensure all of the data is easily accessible.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Dirección ChileCompra
Dirección ChileCompra
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Members of the public feel disconnected from the justice system, which erodes trust and limits access to it. The Supreme Court and the Public Defender Office will improve access to justice through multi-stakeholder initiatives to engage with local communities and increase public participation in conflict resolution.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Corte Suprema de Justicia + Defensoría Penal Pública
Corte Suprema de Justicia + Defensoría Penal Pública
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: The government will run a public consultation process to draft a Participatory Implementation Plan to implement the Escazú Agreement. Once finalized, the government will promote the new plan and conduct outreach about the agreement.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Climate and Environment
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente
Climate and Environment
Executive | Americas |
Summary: The government committed to consulting the public on a roadmap to implement the FiTI Standard, with a focus on identifying current gaps in fisheries transparency and proposing a way forward to increase the publication of information related to this sector.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura
Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura
Executive | Americas |
Summary: North Macedonia has been working to improve the transparency of public procurement data and politically exposed persons, but more work needs to be done to increase beneficial ownership transparency so that these datasets can be jointly used to curb corruption. The commitment aims to publish the owners of companies that have bid on or won public procurement contracts.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of good governance policies
Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of good governance policies
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Quintana Roo does not currently have territorial or ecological planning programs, which make it more difficult to implement a plan for sustainable development in the state. To fill this gap, the government will co-create an environmental governance plan with citizens as part of its long-term sustainable development strategy.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Climate and Environment
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría de la Contraloría del Estado (SECOES), Secretaria de Finanzas y Planeación (SEFIPLAN)
Secretaría de la Contraloría del Estado (SECOES), Secretaria de Finanzas y Planeación (SEFIPLAN)
Climate and Environment
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Legal loopholes make public procurement vulnerable to corruption. To address this, Malawi has begun to strengthen its legal frameworks on public procurement and beneficial ownership and create an online procurement system that uses beneficial ownership data.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority(PPDA)
Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority(PPDA)
Independent | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: Women are under-represented in the public sector across all levels of government and in the private sector. Parliament passed an Affirmative Action bill, which will help improve gender equality in the country once it is signed by the President.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Gender and Inclusion
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection
Gender and Inclusion
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: The government will collaborate with civil society to conduct a human rights assessment of existing legislation on misinformation and disinformation while protecting free speech, alongside fact-checking, media literacy, and public education initiatives.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Digital Governance
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Information
Digital Governance
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: The government committed to monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the 2023 amendment to its law on access to information, including by training members of the public on this topic as well as government officials on how to enforce the law and developing an e-Democracy platform that allows one window for ATI requests and responses.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Access to Information
Level of Government
Lead Institution
State Chancellery
State Chancellery
Access to Information
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Moldova wants to increase the quality of consultations with the public, especially civil society representatives, by institutionalizing public participation in policy-making. The government committed to establishing and enhancing permanent consultation spaces for the public to provide feedback on issues in the public interest and revamp the e-consultation portal.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
State Chancellery
State Chancellery
Public Participation
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Currently, there is no federal framework for public participation and community engagement in the United States. Looking ahead, the government will create a new framework to strengthen current public participation activities led by the federal government and to provide support for agencies.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
U.S. General Services Administration
U.S. General Services Administration
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: The government created a new National Anti-Corruption Policy, which aims to improve coordination between agencies and increase public participation and public-private partnerships to fight corruption in Mexico.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción
Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Gender-based violence is the most reported crime in the country, with roots in social and economic inequalities. In this commitment, the government will strengthen its institutional processes to better prevent and address violence against women.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Gender and Inclusion
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministerio de Gobernación, Coordinadora Nacional para la Prevención de la Violencia Intrafamiliar y contra las Mujeres, Secretaría Presidencial de la Mujer, Defensoría de la Mujer Indígena, Instituto para la Asistencia y Atención a la Víctima del Delito
Ministerio de Gobernación, Coordinadora Nacional para la Prevención de la Violencia Intrafamiliar y contra las Mujeres, Secretaría Presidencial de la Mujer, Defensoría de la Mujer Indígena, Instituto para la Asistencia y Atención a la Víctima del Delito
Gender and Inclusion
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Armenia recently created comprehensive rules to regulate the acceptance of gifts by public officials. The government plans to create a unified, public register for the automatic declaration of gifts, which will be checked for compliance.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Corruption Prevention Commission
Corruption Prevention Commission
Independent | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: Reconstruction is a priority for Ukraine, but the process should be transparent and responsive to citizens' needs. This commitment involves developing regulations to scale up and test the DREAM platform and train users on how to use it to monitor reconstruction projects. All data is collected and published in accordance with the Open Contracting Data Standard.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
State Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
State Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
Executive | Europe |
Summary: More work needs to be done to make public participation a standard practice in the Italian government. This commitment will address this by co-creating new national guidelines on public participation.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
PAs: PCM - Public Administration Department (DFP), Emilia-Romagna Region (RER), Roma Capitale | CSOs: Italian Association for Public Participation (AIP2)
PAs: PCM - Public Administration Department (DFP), Emilia-Romagna Region (RER), Roma Capitale | CSOs: Italian Association for Public Participation (AIP2)
Public Participation
Executive | Europe |
Summary: The need for greater transparency and trust are key issues for Chileans, especially following recent high-profile corruption cases. The government will implement a co-created, national public integrity strategy that focuses on over 200 measures to promote beneficial ownership transparency, public participation, open contracting, and budget transparency.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Comisión Asesora Presidencial para la Integridad Pública y Transparencia del Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia
Comisión Asesora Presidencial para la Integridad Pública y Transparencia del Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Public procurement is vulnerable to corruption in Mexico. To address this, the government will create a digital platform to standardize contract data disclosure and increase competition in public procurement.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción
Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Women in Honduras have a low rate of representation in leadership roles throughout the public sector. To address this, the government will host civil society dialogues and publish gender-disaggregated data on public administration jobs in an open format.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Gender and Inclusion
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría de Asuntos de la Mujer
Secretaría de Asuntos de la Mujer
Gender and Inclusion
Executive | Americas |
Summary: There is limited access to reliable, complete and comparable data on contracts and infrastructure projects in Honduras. This commitment will make this data more accessible by publishing information on the entire project cycle. The government also aims to raise public awareness of this data to promote citizen monitoring and control of public infrastructure projects.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría de Transparencia y Lucha Contra la Corrupción
Secretaría de Transparencia y Lucha Contra la Corrupción
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Quintana Roo faces several justice challenges, such as the lack of checks and balances, access to justice, and regulatory oversight in the state. To address this, the government will co-create a new strategy to strengthen the rule of law to improve people's daily lives and better allocate resources.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría de la Contraloría del Estado (SECOES)
Secretaría de la Contraloría del Estado (SECOES)
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Many government documents in the Netherlands are not findable, accessible, interoperable, or reusable, which makes it more difficult for agencies to comply with information requests. This commitment would help agencies publish their documents in this manner.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Access to Information
Level of Government
Lead Institution
University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics
University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics
Access to Information
Executive | Europe |
Summary: Senegal does not yet have a law that would ensure access to information. At the time of writing, a bill to protect this right is in the validation stage. After the law’s validation, the government committed to conducting public outreach to support its adoption and creating an independent agency to implement its requirements.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Access to Information
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Justice / Directorate for the Promotion of Good Governance
Ministry of Justice / Directorate for the Promotion of Good Governance
Access to Information
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: Residents of Yerba Buena cannot access complete and timely information on public works projects, which makes it difficult to monitor progress. To address this, the municipality will create a digital platform to publish key information on such projects (such as the timeline, funding, and companies contracted to do the work) in an open format that follows the Open Contracting Data Standard.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Local (non-member)
Lead Institution
Municipalidad de Yerba Buena
Local (non-member)
Municipalidad de Yerba Buena
Executive | Americas |
Summary: In response to civil society advocacy, the government will evaluate and revise its access to information law. Key activities include assessing the effectiveness and implementation of the law, consulting the public on the proposed changes, and drafting an amendment for approval.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Access to Information
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform
Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform
Access to Information
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: CSOs in Morocco currently face challenges to operating effectively, such as difficulties in accessing public funds and limited engagement in public consultations. The government will create new legal frameworks to facilitate public funding for CSOs, improve their capacity, and increase engagement on public policy-making.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Civic Space
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament
Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament
Civic Space
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: The press and publishing industries are experiencing technological challenges, the spread of disinformation, and ethics issues in Morocco. To address this, the government will create a commission to study these problems and conduct public consultations to propose a new legal framework to support this sector.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Media Freedom
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication
Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication
Media Freedom
Executive | Africa and the Middle East |
Summary: Vulnerable groups, especially those in rural areas, experience significant challenges in accessing justice. The government will address this by creating an open justice policy that would publish judicial information in plain language, train judges and staff, and create a centralized website with information on where to find courts and other key information.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Corte Suprema de Justicia
Corte Suprema de Justicia
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: The government aims to mainstream participation in public policy by establishing interministerial coordination of participation, revitalising engagement with civil society, consolidating use of the Participative Brazil Platform, and establishing participatory forums in all of Brazil's federal states and the Federal District.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaría Nacional de Participación Social (SNPS) de la Secretaría General de la Presidencia de la República (SG-PR)
Secretaría Nacional de Participación Social (SNPS) de la Secretaría General de la Presidencia de la República (SG-PR)
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: In Bogotá (Colombia), traditional forms of participation have not yet succeeded in shaping major public debates. As a result, the government will work with civil society and academia to establish a program of Deliberative Citizens’ Assemblies, an innovative form of participation that brings together a random sampling of residents to deliberate on important societal issues.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Secretaria Distrital de Planeación de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá D.C.
Secretaria Distrital de Planeación de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá D.C.
Public Participation
Executive | Americas |
Summary: To increase public trust in its work, the Superior Court of Justice in Buenos Aires committed to proactively publishing information related to its work, such as the deadlines and content of its rulings, in an open data format.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Judicial | Americas |
Summary: Public procurement is vulnerable to corruption, especially as Costa Rica is currently carrying out 502 public infrastructure projects. To mitigate this risk, the Comptroller General of the Republic committed to launching the Artificial Intelligence Device for Recognition and Alerts (dIAra) platform. The platform will publish open data on public works projects and help the government collaborate with civil society to monitor progress and increase accountability.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Contraloría General de la República de Costa Rica
Contraloría General de la República de Costa Rica
Legislative | Americas |
Summary: Guatemala needs a legal framework to identify beneficial owners, link beneficial ownership data to the public procurement process, and create bodies to enforce regulations. The creation of this framework, a beneficial ownership register, and a process to share information will allow the government to better detect financial crimes and build public trust.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas
Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas
Executive | Americas |
Summary: Mongolia recently amended its law on political parties to strengthen political finance transparency and oversight. Because the new law requires semi-annual reporting of political finances, the General Election Commission will develop an online platform to collect and publish these reports for efficient review and conduct training sessions to ensure all relevant actors can use the platform.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
General Election Commission of Mongolia
General Election Commission of Mongolia
Independent | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: In 2023, the city of Baguio in the Philippines established a People's Council, a platform for civil society organizations to engage with the city government. In its latest action plan, the city committed to formalizing the role and resources of the council and conducting training to ensure that CSO representatives meaningfully participate in government decision-making.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Public Participation
Level of Government
Lead Institution
City Administrator
City Administrator
Public Participation
Executive | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: The city of Larena in the Philippines has experienced delays in implementing public projects due to issues with its public procurement process. To address this, the city committed to creating an oversight team to conduct a procurement assessment and co-create an action plan with key stakeholders to drive improvements.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Bids and Awards Committee
Bids and Awards Committee
Executive | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Korea has five different laws that govern anti-corruption, each with different protections for those reporting violations. The government committed to amending its current legal framework to ensure consistency in the financial support and protections that whistleblowers receive and to expand the list of violations that fall under the category of public interest whistleblowing. This commitment also includes outreach to explain these legal changes and the publication of data on whistleblowing cases on the Integrity Portal.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission
Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission
Executive | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: The Philippines’ public procurement portal currently has gaps in data availability and accessibility, which makes it difficult to identify corruption and inefficiencies in contracting. The government committed to improve the portal by using the Open Contracting Data Standard, making it easier for the public to share feedback on high-risk areas, publicly disclosing beneficial ownership information, and focusing on interoperability.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management
Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management
Executive | Asia and the Pacific |
Summary: In Quezon City (Philippines), civil society organizations (CSOs) that belong to the People's Council have limited capacity, which hinders their participation in city governance. To address this, the city committed to allocating more funding to the People's Council, involving the body in the accreditation of new CSOs, and creating a program to identify the needs of CSOs and provide capacity training.
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Branch of Government
Primary Challenge Area
Civic Space
Level of Government
Lead Institution
Quezon City Government - Office of the City Administrator and the People's Council of Quezon City
Quezon City Government - Office of the City Administrator and the People's Council of Quezon City
Civic Space
Executive | Asia and the Pacific |
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