Discover initiatives submitted to the Open Gov Challenge by OGP members and beyond, through OGP action plans or as standalone commitments. The Challenge encourages members to submit ambitious actions in 10 policy areas integral to advancing open government.
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Country/Local | Level of Government | Lead Institution | Title of Reform | Challenge Area |
North Santander, Colombia | Local (non-member) | Gobernación de Norte de Santander | Youth-Led Sustainable Development Projects | Gender and Inclusion |
Costa Rica | National | Presidencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | Reduce the Backlog of Court Cases | Justice |
Ukraine | National | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | Implement New Lobbying Law | Anti-Corruption |
Finland | National | Ministry of Finance | Strengthen National Dialogues | Public Participation |
Ukraine | National | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | Implement a Whole-of-Government Anti-Corruption Strategy | Anti-Corruption |
Costa Rica | National | Poder Judicial | Open Courts Pilot Program | Justice |
Dominican Republic | National | Dirección General de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental (DIGEIG) | National Strategy for Civic Space | Civic Space |
Brazil | National | Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) | Open Contracting for Federal Infrastructure Projects | Anti-Corruption |
Kamianets Podilskiy, Ukraine | Local (non-member) | Kamianets Podilskiy City Council | Improve Access to Information | Access to Information |
Colombia | National | Jefe de la Oficina Asesora de Transparencia Secretario de Infraestructura | Open Contracting for Infrastructure Projects in Santiago de Cali | Anti-Corruption |
Netherlands | National | Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) | Knowledge Agenda for Public Participation in Decision-Making | Public Participation |
Colombia | National | Comisión de Ética, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas del Consejo de Estado | Transparency and Accountability in the Council of State | Justice |
Colombia | National | Corte Constitucional – Presidencia de la Corte | Open, Accessible, and Inclusive Court Rulings | Justice |
Colombia | National | Departamento Administrativo de la Función Pública, Departamento Nacional de Planeación | Participation Strategies for Innovation | Public Participation |
Valle de Cauca, Colombia | Local (non-member) | Gobernación del Valle del Cauca | Support Public Participation in Decision-Making | Public Participation |
Chile | National | ChileCompra | Expand Open Data on Public Procurement | Anti-Corruption |
Chile | National | Excma. Corte Suprema de Justicia y Defensoría Penal Pública | Open Justice for an Open State | Justice |
Chile | National | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente | Participatory Plan to Implement the Escazú Agreement | Climate and Environment |
Chile | National | Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura | Implement the Fisheries Transparency Initiative Standard | Anti-Corruption |
North Macedonia | National | Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of good governance policies | Open the Beneficial Ownership Registry to the Public | Anti-Corruption |
Quintana Roo, Mexico | Local | Secretaria de la Contraloría del Estado de Quintana Roo México (SECOES), Secretaria de Finanzas y Planeación (SEFIPLAN) | Co-Create an Environmental Governance Plan | Climate and Environment |
Malawi | National | Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority(PPDA) | Open Contracting and Beneficial Ownership Transparency | Anti-Corruption |
Ghana | National | Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection | Improve Gender Equality | Gender and Inclusion |
Ghana | National | Ministry of Information | Combat Misinformation and Disinformation | Digital Governance |
Moldova | National | State Chancellery | Implement the Access to Information Law | Access to Information |
Moldova | National | State Chancellery | Increase Public Participation in Decision-Making | Public Participation |
United States | National | U.S. Open Government Secretariat, housed within the U.S. General Services Administration | Framework for Public Participation and Community Engagement | Public Participation |
Mexico | National | Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción (SESNA) | Implement the National Anti-Corruption Policy (PNA) | Anti-Corruption |
Guatemala | National | Ministry of the Interior | National Mechanisms to Reduce Gender Violence | Gender and Inclusion |
Armenia | National | Corruption Prevention Commission | Digital Gift Declaration Register for Public Officials | Anti-Corruption |
Ukraine | National | State Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine and the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine |
DREAM – Digital Ecosystem to Manage Reconstruction and Recovery Projects | Anti-Corruption |
Italy | National | PCM – Public Administration Department (DFP), Emilia-Romagna Region (RER), Roma Capitale, and the Italian Association for Public Participation (AIP2) | Co-Creation of National Guidelines on Public Participation | Public Participation |
Chile | National | Comisión Asesora Presidencial para la Integridad Pública y Transparencia del Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia | Implement the National Public Integrity Strategy (ENIP) | Anti-Corruption |
Mexico | National | Secretaría Ejecutiva del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción (SESNA) | Platform to Improve Integrity and Competition in Public Procurement | Anti-Corruption |
Honduras | National | Secretaría de Estado en los Despachos de Asuntos de la Mujer de Honduras | Increase Women’s Participation as Leaders in the Public Sector | Gender and Inclusion |
Honduras | National | Secretaría de Transparencia y Lucha Contra la Corrupción | Increase Citizen Monitoring of Public Infrastructure Contracts | Anti-Corruption |
Quintana Roo, Mexico | Local | Secretary of the State Comptroller (SECOES) | Co-Create a New Strategy to Strengthen the Rule of Law | Civic Space |
Netherlands | National | University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics | Publish Government Documents in Compliance with the Open Government Act | Access to Information |
Senegal | National | Ministry of Justice / Directorate for the Promotion of Good Governance | Adopt the Access to Information Bill | Access to Information |
Yerba Buena, Argentina | Local (non-member) | Municipalidad de Yerba Buena | Create a Monitoring Platform for Public Works Projects | Anti-Corruption |
Morocco | National | Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform | Evaluate and Revise the Access to Information Law | Access to Information |
Morocco | National | Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament | New Legal Framework to Support CSOs | Civic Space |
Morocco | National | Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication | Revise Laws on Press Freedom and Publishing | Media Freedom |
Honduras | National | Corte Suprema de Justicia | Implement an Open Justice Policy | Justice |
Brazil | National | Secretaría Nacional de Participación Social (SNPS) de la Secretaría General de la Presidencia de la República (SG-PR) | Federal Strategy for Social Participation and Popular Education | Public Participation |
Bogotá, Colombia | Local | Secretaria Distrital de Planeación de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá D.C. | Deliberative and Innovative Democracy | Public Participation |